About us

Launched in 2005, the LovePlanet dating website is now one of the biggest international developers of online dating services. Moreover, we are Russian dating pioneers in developing an extensive web partner network, which at present includes over 20,000 active partners.

In 2016 and 2017 App Annie analysts added LovePlanet into the consolidated TOP 10 of the most profitable mobile publishers in Russia. That inspired us to run a beta launch of new app constructor and partner program for mobile development. During the test period we developed more than 20 apps for LovePlanet and partners.

Our apps are actively gaining popularity in the markets of the USA, France, Italy, China, Spain, Brazil and India. In line with App Annie consumer spend in app stores exceeded $86 billion. Keeping in mind that according to SensorTower, Russia is the #1 market in the world for dating apps, we believe that mobile dating has great perspectives for both us and our partners.

LovePlanet official website: loveplanet.com